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Take Heart: Hearing Loss Linked to Heart Disease

by Gregory S

Have a heart when it comes to hearing loss. Literally. In a recent official report by the World Health Organization, a link has been established between general cardiovascular health and hearing loss.

Statistics have revealed heart disease as the top fatality for women in the United States. Despite heart disease treatment being widespread with specialists and centers across the country, far less research has been spread on hearing loss and impairment and its effect on cardiovascular health.

Very little is known at this point. ENT Today researchers have indicated that the inner ear, which is naturally one of the central locations responsible for a person’s hearing, is extremely sensitive to blood flow.

These same researchers have noted that when the individual blood vessels are damaged or compromised, they may often decrease and diminish blood flow to the rest of the body. This process actually contributes to overall cardiovascular disease, and the aberration can be discerned in the inner ear prior to other portions of the body.

Harvard University researchers suggest that the ears, including the inner ear, are among the principal organs damaged by the effects of cardiovascular disease. Dr. Raymond Hull, who in 2010 released his own studies of older adults on the subject, has corroborated their research. He claims that hearing loss or impairment is 54 percent more prevalent among those who have also endured a history of heart disease and maladies.

Risk Factors

While family history of heart disease and age remain unavoidable risks in heart disease development, doctors also cite controllable risk factors, including smoking, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol.

Warning Signs

The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute issued the following warning signs for men and woman.

Chest discomfort: The most severe form of chest discomfort is a heart attack, which can best be described as a squeezing persistent pressure and pain in the center of the chest. The pain varies in intensity and may be intermittent. General discomfort: Cardiovascular disease affects a majority of the upper body, including arms, back, neck, stomach, and jaw. Shortness of breath: A shortness of breath may occur independently of chest pain or discomfort. Nausea, cold sweats and light-headedness


Having a healthy and health-conscious lifestyle will help reduce the risk of heart disease and in turn help your hearing as well. The American Heart Institute offers these easy to follow tips for your well-being.

  • Reduce salt intake, as too much sodium impairs body circulation.
  • Attempt to avoid stress and fatigue while also getting sufficient rest and exercise.
  • Get blood pressure checked on a regular basis.

Want to learn more about hearing loss and how to treat it? Please feel free to schedule a consultation or contact one of our representatives today!

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